June 30, 2008

Potluck Pride

As LGBT Pride Month winds to a close, I wonder: is there an identifying food of the LGBT community? A rainbow flag of cuisine? Perhaps wedding cake, lately.

But then again, not everyone is rushing to the altar. There simply is too much diversity within this multi-faceted community - no one "lifestyle" (despite the common, inappropriate application of that word), no one ethnicity or class background, no shared academic track, no single sport, no one common link except a shared struggle towards equality.

And that is enough, most days, to create community. To build community, we share stories, music, sports, food. Nearly every gathering I have attended - whether social, religious, athletic, or political - that involve queer folk and food, has been a potluck. What other way of breaking bread together lets everyone bring something that expresses who they are (too busy to cook; a natural gourmet; vegan; carnivore; Irish; Filipino; etc) and at the same time ensures that there is something for everyone? Now there's a food culture that I can be proud of.

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