May 14, 2011

Dry-farmed Taro

On the flight to Oahu, we read an article in Hana Hou! magazine about Jerry Konanui, an expert in the cultivation of kalo (Hawaiian, for taro).  It was fascinating, and put my eyes on alert for the sight of taro growing. Sure enough, we spotted the large leaves all sorts of places, from marshy paddies by the sides of roads to a water feature in the Ala Moana mall in downtown Honolulu. Not until we visited the Lyon Arboretum in the Manoa Valley, however, did we spot taro being dry farmed.
Dry-farmed taro at Lyon Arboretum

Like most mainlanders, poi does not appeal to my palate; but I have enjoyed taro prepared all sorts of other ways (taro cakes at dim sum, and as the vessel in Buddhist Yam Pot, for instance).  So it was a pleasure to see in person the plant that fills my plate.

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