May 27, 2010

Gluten-free Rapture

Although flourChylde Bakery does most of its business closer to its Marin County home base, it makes the trip down to the Peninsula once a week, May - September, for San Carlos' Hot Harvest Nights.  And I show my appreciation by always taking home at least one little treat.

In addition to traditional baked goods, flourChylde offers an array of luscious, small, gluten-free cakes. My favorite is the aptly-named Rapture, a marbled chocolate and plain/almond meal confection.  Like all of the cakes, it is pleasingly moist and substantial without being too dense, a tricky balance to achieve in any form of gluten-free baking.

This week, I may branch out and try the Little Black Dress again, or one of the other flavors I always neglect.  Or maybe one new variety, and one Rapture . . . .

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