August 19, 2011

Snack Defense

Last weekend, I spent way too many hours in a row indoors on the computer (reading submissions to the Global eBook Awards). The later it got on Friday night, the more I scavenged the cupboards for anything crunchy to nibble while I read. Everything I found came from a bag, in some form of a chip, with salt.

The next morning, I set aside my giant digital stack of books and headed to the farmer's market for some snack self defense.  Tiny seedless green organic grapes and giant Sweet Nantes carrots would see me through the weekend. The grapes were perfect for the mindless eating I tend to do while staring at a screen. And the carrots made excellent chips for dipping into a bowl of hummus. The only corn chips that passed my lips came with creamy guacamole, and went away again when that snack was finished, at the table.

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