My being notoriously anti-stuff frustrates some of my family and friends at this time of year. Even the ones who don't find shopping recreational ask for a hint. When "what do you want for your birthday/Christmas/Channukah/solstice?" is asked plaintively, "I dunno" just doesn't cut it.
This year I have a better answer prepared. I would be delighted to receive recipes (your own, or adapted by you) for healthy snacks, drinks, or dishes. Not sure what qualifies? Check the Bite-Size Green site for examples, and to find gaps to fill. Let me know if I may give you credit; and if you have a couple sentences or a whole story to share for context, even better.
With an anthropological eye on the winter holidays, it seems as though people from every culture need to come indoors during the short, cool days, which creates the perfect opportunity to slow down, hang out with loved ones, tell stories, and share food. The relatively recent commercialization actually runs counter to this slow-food style celebration of community. So, if this request adds one more demand to your late autumn chore list, defer the task to any convenient time in 2010. The note telling me to expect a lovely surprise later will give me something to look forward to as the days grow long again.